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What Order Do My Guitar Pedals Go In ?


What Order Do My Guitar Pedals Go In ? - 

I will give you a firmer answer in a bit but honestly you can put them in any order you want. No harm will come to them, and maybe something wonderful could happen? You could find a new sound or tone by doing something weird ! We as guitar players have fallen into a rut of being told what to do, or what is right. I can tell you this when guys got the first pedals in the 60s they didn't do what was right, they plugged them - turned that fuzz up - and changed the world and these go to 11 ! 

But ok here are some quick rules to pedal order. Wah's and Volume pedal I would put first in the chain, followed by compressor, then all your overdrive, distortion, fuzz pedals, EQ, then we go to our modulation chorus, phaser and flanger pedals. Last but not least you end with delay and reverb guitar pedals. You would not want to be echo'ing into a fuzz pedal. But then again maybe you do  ? Cool things are always the things that break the rules. Try this, move them around. Most importantly PLAY THAT GUITAR !